All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it.
Page revised in June 2024.
All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it.
Page revised in June 2024.
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General: the structure and the author of this website.
Sections dealing with Rome which are grouped as follows:
- Giuseppe Vasi: pages dealing with the etchings by Giuseppe Vasi showing Roman monuments.
- Complement to Giuseppe Vasi: pages providing additional information on the previous section.
- Abridged History of Rome: visit Rome following a historical approach.
- Rioni di Roma: pages dealing with the rioni, the historical quarters of Rome.
- Papal Heraldry: pages dealing with the coats of arms of the popes.
- Baroque Sculpture: pages dealing with some patterns of Baroque Sculpture.
- Days of Peace: how to spend a peaceful day in Rome.
- Directories: directories to help your navigation.
Travels in Italy:
- Gregorovius' Walks: pages dealing with towns near Rome.
- Other Towns of Latium.
- Towns of Umbria.
- Towns of the Marches.
- Other Italian towns.
Travels in Europe.
Travels in the Levant (including Greece).
Travels in Asia.
Travels in Africa.
The Main Page
A few words about myself
What's New (check here to see what's been added to the website)
The Hall of Fame of this site
An Illustrated Glossary of Art Terms
Day 1 From Ponte Molle (Milvio) to S. Croce in Gerusalemme
Day 2 From Porta Maggiore to Villa Borghese
Day 3 From Via del Babbuino to the S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura
Day 4 From Via di Ripetta to Palazzo Massimi
Day 5 From S. Andrea della Valle to Isola Tiberina
Day 6 Trastevere
Day 7 From Ponte Sisto to Ponte Trionfale
Day 8 The Vatican
A Short and Delicious Digression The Environs of Rome: From Ponte Salario to Porto
Introductory Page
Book I - Le Porte e le Mura di Roma - 1747 (The Gates and the Walls of Rome)
Book II - Le Piazze principali con obelischi, colonne ed altri ornamenti - 1752 (The main Squares with obelisks, columns and other embellishments)
Book III - Le Basiliche e Chiese antiche - 1753 (The Basilicas and the Old Churches)
Book IV - I Palazzi e le vie pił celebri - 1754 (The Palaces and the most famous Streets)
Book V - I Ponti e gli edifici sul Tevere - 1754 (The Bridges and the buildings on the Tiber)
Book VI - Le Chiese parrocchiali - 1756 (The Parish Churches)
Book VII - I Conventi e case dei chierici regolari - 1756 (The Friaries)
Book VIII - I Monasterj e conservatori di donne - 1758 (The Nunneries)
Book IX - I Collegi, Spedali e luoghi pii - 1759 (Colleges, Hospitals and other pious buildings)
Book X - Le Ville e giardini pił rimarchevoli - 1761 (The most remarkable Villas and Gardens)
An introduction to the 1765 Grand View of Rome
1781 Map of Rome
1765 Grand View of Campo Vaccino.
1765 Grand View of Vatican City.
1771 Grand View of the Aventine Hill.
1771 Grand View of the Tribune of S. Maria Maggiore.
Leisure in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Trade in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Traffic in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
What Dante Saw
What Goethe Saw (during his stay in Rome: follow the footsteps of a great XVIIIth century traveller)
What Lord Byron Saw (excerpts from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage)
What Charles Dickens Saw (excerpts from Pictures from Italy)
What Mark Twain Saw (excerpts from The Innocents Abroad)
What Henry James Saw (excerpts from Italian Hours)
What William Dean Howells Saw (excerpts from Roman Holidays and Others)
Dan Brown's Spaghetti Bolognaise (excerpts from Angels and Demons)
Their Travel Journals (excerpts from journals by British and American Travellers in 1594-1848)
Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: Roma Sparita (lost Rome)
Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: Roman Forum
Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: Interiors of Churches
Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: Tivoli
Rome seen by a 1905 armchair traveller: Subiaco
A Japanese in 1909 Rome
A 1588 Guide to Rome - The Seven Churches
A 1588 Guide to Rome - The Churches of Trastevere and Borgo
A 1588 Guide to Rome - The Churches near Via del Corso
A 1588 Guide to Rome - The Churches in the Bend of the Tiber
A 1588 Guide to Rome - The Churches of Ripa and Campitelli
A 1588 Guide to Rome - The Churches of Monti
Flaminius Vacca's discoveries of antiquities which took place in his lifetime - 1594.
Bartolomeo Pinelli's Picturesque Brigands
Bartolomeo Pinelli's Scenes of Ordinary Life
1852 Map of Rome
1880 View from the Janiculum
A New Grand View of Rome from Terrazza delle Quadrighe
A Winter View of Rome from Giardino degli Aranci
Grand View from Villa Lante
The Angel's Views (Rome seen from Castel Sant'Angelo)
Baroque Ceilings
The Domes of Rome
The Bell Towers of Rome
The Loggias of Rome
Roman Terraces
Fountains in the Courtyards of Rome
The Little Madonnas of Rome
The Pines of Rome
Golden Mosaics in Rome
The Talking Statues of Rome
A Roman Bestiary (the animals of Rome)
Ancient World Monsters
Torture and Death in the Churches of Rome
Organs and Cantoria
Renaissance and Baroque Musical Instruments
The Silent Streets of Rome
Roman Inscriptions
Historical Shops of Rome
Roman Landlords
Flats for Rent in XVIIIth century Rome
Houses Worth a Visit: Hendrik Christian Andersen; Pietro Canonica; Isa and Giorgio De Chirico; Mario Praz; Keats-Shelley; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's ; Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi
Modern Churches in Historical Rome
Contemporary Architecture in Rome
Roman Plaques
Palaces of the Emperors
An Ancient Mall
Two Roman Wars
A Roman Triumph
The Vanishing Frescoes of Nero's Golden House
Always There, Never Visited (the temples at Largo Argentina)
Roman Feet and Sandals
Roman Funerary Rites
Roman works of art related to theatrical performances
Construction Techniques in Ancient Rome
The Mysterious Basilica near Porta Maggiore
Forma Urbis Severiana
The Scipios' Tomb
The Velletri Sarcophagus
A Little Iconography
An Evening at Caracalla
When the Tiber grows
A Tour through History at Palazzo and Palazzetto Venezia
Rome Ten Years Ago
A Stroll in San Saba
Watching ancient vases between concerts
The Fortune of Borromini in the tourist guides
A Family of Painters
A Roman journey on the Circle Line
Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic
A walk to Porta Furba
A walk to Ponte di Nona
A walk to Malborghetto
Via Appia Antica from Cecilia Metella to Torre in Selci
Via Appia Antica from Torre in Selci to Frattocchie
I - The foundation and the early days of Rome between history and legend
II - The early republican period
III - The Romans meet the elephants
IV - Expansion in the eastern Mediterranean
V - Pompey and Caesar
VI - Augustus
VII - From Tiberius to Nero
VIII - The Flavian Dynasty
IX - From Nerva to Marcus Aurelius
X - A Century of Turmoil (180-285)
XI - From Diocletian to Constantine
XII - The End of Ancient Rome
I - Byzantine Rome
II - The Iron Age of Rome
III - The Investiture Controversy
IV - The Rise and Fall of Theocratic Power
V - The Popes Leave Rome
VI - From Chaos to Recovery
I - Rome's Early Renaissance
II - Splendour and Crisis
III - A Period of Change
IV - The Counter-Reformation
V - Early Baroque Rome
VI - The Age of Bernini
VII - The Loss of the Leadership in the Arts
VIII - A Sleeping City
IX - Grand Tour Rome
X - Drama at the Quirinale
XI - The Agony of the Papal State
I - Events between 1871 and 1911
II - Events between 1912 and 1956
III - Events between 1957 and 2007
I - Monti
II - Trevi
III - Colonna
IV - Campo Marzio
V - Ponte
VI - Parione
VII - Regola
VIII - Sant'Eustachio
IX - Pigna
X - Campitelli
XI - Sant'Angelo
XII - Ripa
XIII - Trastevere
XIV - Borgo
Testaccio, a new rione having a long history
A New Rione: Prati
Lively Garbatella: a rione with a Roman heart
A New XXth century Quarter: EUR
Main Entrance to the section
Historical overview of the papal coats of arms
The Middle Ages
The long decadence of the Papal State
Chronological catalogue of the coats of arms of the popes
Alphabetical catalogue of the coats of arms of the popes
A Pope and a Humanist (Pius II 1458-1464)
His moons shone for 26 days (Pius III 1503)
Gregoriopolis and the Castle of Julius II (1503-1513)
The Happy Days of Julius III (1550-1555)
The Dragon and the Calendar (Gregory XIII 1572-1585)
Lions and Pears (Sixtus V 1585-1590)
Stars and Stripes (Clement VIII 1592-1605)
Dragons and Eagles (Paul V 1605-1621)
The Sun of the Barberini (Urban VIII 1623-1644)
A Laborious Delivery - the puzzling coats of arms of Urban VIII (1623-1644) by Bernini in S, Pietro
Where the Dove flies (Innocent X 1644-1655)
Six Mountains and a Star (Alexander VII 1655-1667)
Scala Regia - the entrance to the Vatican (Alexander VII 1655-1667)
Petra in Ascoli (Clement XI 1700-1721)
A Pope from Urbino (Clement XI 1700-1721)
A Great Maecenas (Clement XII 1730-1740)
The Wind was too Strong (Pius VI 1775-1799)
Filippo Juvarra's drawings of papal coats of arms
De Gloria Olivae (Change and Tradition in the papal transition)
It wasn't done in a day (A clue to the decoration of S. Pietro)
Fortresses of the Popes
The Fortress of Spoleto
In the Grand Duchy of Tuscany
The coats of arms spared by the Revolution
Small Columns and Globes
Gates of the Popes
Coats of arms in Madrid
Statues in the act of praying
Memento Mori (Representation of Death in Baroque Rome)
Monuments Showing the Dead in a Medallion
Baroque Angels
Three Chapels by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Bernini's Exiled Statue (Equestian Monument to King Louis XIV)
Three Busts by Alessandro Algardi
Monuments to the Popes
Baroque High Reliefs
Statues Close to Heaven
Embittered Andrew (the statues in the octagon of S. Pietro)
Laughing Masks
Playing with Colours
The Last Baroque Tomb
At the Flea Market
At the Beach
A Sunny Day in Villa Borghese
Voicing Your Views ..... and feeling better
La Festa de Noantri
A visit to Roseto di Roma
Christmas in Rome
Celebrating the Foundation of Rome
Finding Solace at the Protestant Cemetery
Eating Outdoors
Running the Marathon
Watching the Parade
Rome's Sleepless Night
Attending Winter Ceremonies
Attending 2007 July Events
Jogging at Valle delle Camene
Sailing on the River to see the Bridges of Roma
An October Outing to Marino
Attending a Funeral ...and enjoying it!
A Special Spring Weekend
Embassy-hunting in Parioli
Celebrating Eritrean Michaelmas in Rome
Visiting Rome at Dawn
Visiting Rome in the Moonlight
Visiting Rome on a Hop-on-Hop-off Bus
Visiting Multi-ethnic Rome
Baroque Fireworks
Playing in the Snow at the Janiculum
Watching the Pride Parade
Visiting the Studios at Cinecittą
Reading Memoirs of Hadrian at Villa Adriana
Looking up at the Ceilings of the Vatican and of the Lateran Palaces
Reading Seneca at the Baths
Spending the Last Roman Day at St. John Lateran's Cloister
Reading Ovid at S. Pietro
Walking the Dog at Valle della Caffarella
Keeping up with new discoveries at Museo Ninfeo
Basking in the Winter Sun at Parco Archeologico del Celio
The Churches of Rome
The Palaces and the Villas of Rome
Other Monuments of Rome
Pages showing monuments of towns other than Rome
Baroque Architecture in Rome
Baroque Sculpture in Rome
Churches belonging to a nation or to a guild
The Streets of Rome
Historical Roads of Rome
The Stones of Rome
The Museums of Rome
The Fountains of Rome
The Obelisks of Rome
Sarcophagi in Rome and its environs
The Roman Families
Pages showing works by Michelangelo
Pages showing works by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Pages showing works by Francesco Borromini
Pages showing monuments of Ancient Rome
Pages showing monuments of Rome during the Middle Ages
Pages showing monuments of Rome during the Renaissance
Pages showing monuments of Rome built in the second half of the XVIth century
Pages showing monuments of Rome related to Giuseppe Garibaldi
Pages showing monuments of Rome related to Napoleon
In the Roman Campagna (Aus der Campagna von Rom): Colonna and Zagarolo, Palestrina, Cave, Genazzano, Olevano, Paliano and Anagni
The Ernici Mountains (Aus den Bergen der Herniker): Ferentino,
Frosinone, Alatri,
Ceccano, Ceprano, Fiuggi (Anticoli di Campagna), Piglio and Acuto
The Volsci Mountains (Aus den Bergen der Volsker):
Valmontone and Montefortino, Segni and Gavignano, Carpineto, Norma and
On the Latin shores (Idyllen vom Lateinischen Ufer):
Anzio, Nettuno and Torre Astura, Ardea and Lavinium (Pratica di Mare)
Circe's Cape (Das Kap der Circe):
Terracina and San Felice
The Orsini Castle in Bracciano (Das Schloss der Orsini in Bracciano)
Subiaco, the oldest Benedictine monastery (Subiaco
das älteste Benediktinerkloster des Abendlandes), Cervara, Rocca Canterano, Trevi and Filettino
A Pilgrims' Way: Acquapendente, Bolsena and Montefiascone
On the Edge of the Marsh: Sermoneta, Sezze, Priverno, Abbazia di Fossanova and Sonnino
In and about Viterbo: Viterbo,
Bagnaia, Bagnoregio, Bomarzo, Orte, Vasanello and Gallese, S. Maria della Querce, S. Martino al Cimino,
Tuscania and Vitorchiano
From Civitavecchia to Civita Castellana: Civitavecchia, Allumiere and Tolfa,
Oriolo Romano and Capranica, Sutri, Bassano, Monterosi and Campagnano,
Nepi and Castel Sant'Elia and Civita Castellana
From Bracciano to Viterbo: Manziana, Canale Monterano and Vejano,
Barbarano Romano, Blera and Vetralla
Around Monte Cimino: Ronciglione, Caprarola, Carbognano and Fabrica,
Corchiano, Vignanello and Vallerano and Soriano al Cimino
In Maremma: Corneto (Tarquinia), Montalto di Castro and Canino and (in Tuscany) Grosseto, Orbetello and Porto Ercole
The Duchy of Castro: Farnese, Ischia, Cellere, Valentano, Gradoli, Grotte, Capodimonte and Marta
The Aniene Valley where the painters found their models: Introduction and Castel Madama, Vicovaro, Mandela, Roccagiovine and Licenza, Roviano, Sambuci and Anticoli Corrado and Arsoli
Branching off Via Cassia: S. Maria di Galeria, Isola Farnese and Veio and Formello and Sacrofano
Sentinels on the Highway: Fiano Romano, Civitella S. Paolo and Nazzano,
Torrita Tiberina, Filacciano and Ponzano
To Nomentum and beyond: Mentana, Monterotondo and Palombara, S. Angelo Romano and Montecelio, Marcellina and S. Polo dei Cavalieri
In Sabina: Montopoli in Sabina, Poggio Mirteto,
Cantalupo in Sabina and Casperia,
Abbazia di Farfa,
Fara and Montorio,
Nerola and Monteflavio,
Montelibretti and Moricone
A Special Spring Weekend: Veroli, Casamari, Boville Ernica and Sora
At the foot of Monte Soratte: S. Oreste, Rignano Flaminio and Faleria
Along Via Aurelia: Palidoro, Palo, S. Severa, S. Marinella and Cerveteri
Branching off Via Flaminia: Riano, Castelnuovo di Porto, Morlupo, Leprignano (Capena), Lucus Feroniae and Villa dei Volusii
From Tivoli to Palestrina: S. Gregorio and Casape, Gallicano and Poli, Castel S. Pietro, Capranica, S. Vito and Ciciliano
Umbilicus Italiae: Rieti
In Polyphemus' Grotto: Villa di Tiberio at Sperlonga
Campania Felix: Formia, Minturno, Cassino and Gaeta
Land of Saints: Cascia and Norcia
On a Lost Rail Track: Nocera, Gualdo Tadino, Gubbio, Umbertide and Cittą di Castello
From Nera to Tiber: Amelia and Alviano
Papal Val di Chiana: Orvieto, Cittą della Pieve, Castiglione del Lago (and in Tuscany) Chiusi, Montepulciano, Cortona, Arezzo and Castiglion Fiorentino
8:14 from Termini: A Medieval Town (Narni); A Steel Town (Terni); A Rugged Town (Spoleto); A Town on a Hill (Trevi); A Junction Town (Foligno and Montefalco); A Roman Town (Spello and Bevagna); A Holy Town (Assisi); A Rebellious Town (Perugia); Land of the Cesi (Cesi, San Gemini and Acquasparta); A Lonely Town (Todi)
M&M's Lands: Cagli, Cesena, Fano, Fossombrone, Gradara, Macerata Feltria, Pesaro, Rimini, San Leo, Sassocorvaro, Senigallia, Urbania and Urbino
Accessum Italiae: Ancona, Cingoli, Fabriano, Jesi, Loreto, Osimo and Recanati
A Sea of Hills: Camerino, Civitanova, Fermo, Macerata, Matelica, Ripatransone, Sanseverino, Tolentino, Treia and Urbisaglia
Italy's Sitting Room: Ascoli
Jewels of Magna Graecia: Paestum
Pompeii in a nutshell and Oplontis
Florentine Recollections
A Fortress With a View (in Florence)
An Italian Piazza (in Florence)
Fiesole's Other Side (near Florence)
Juvarra's masterpiece: Basilica di Superga in Turin
Frigidus Divine Wind (Aquileia, Ravenna and other towns in North-Eastern Italy)
Venice and the Levant
Traiano Optimo Aug. (Benevento)
They All Wanted It (Sicily)
A Threatening Sight: Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum
Campania Felix: Capua and S. Maria Capua Vetere
Countryside Palaces: The Royal Palace of Caserta
A Miniature Town: Alba Fucens, a small Roman Town in Abruzzo
Edward Lear's Abruzzo: L'Aquila, Sulmona, Tagliacozzo and other historical towns in Abruzzo
Vienna, City of the Last Roman Emperors
Two Fountains in Paris
The Saints' Bridge (in Prague)
An Italian Street in Prague
Roman towns in Southern England
Little Venice (in London)
London's Roman Flavour
The Pro Fide Knights (Malta)
Diocletian's Dalmatia
Roman and Moorish Spain
Gallia Narbonensis: Roman monuments in Southern France
Heart of Roman Germany
On the Edge of the Empire (Roman towns on the Danube border)
Countryside Palaces: at La Granja, Munich, Bonn and Vienna
Caesar's Gaul: Roman monuments in Northern France
Pictures from Romania
Venetian Fortresses in Greece
The Walls of Nikopolis
Hadrian's Athens
A Company Owned Island
In Search of Oil (Metellino)
A Wealthy Doctor (the Asclepeion of Kos)
Fortresses of the Knights of Rhodes
Where the Leaves Spoke (the Shrine of Dodoni)
A Cruel Lord (Ali Pacha's Ioanina)
Where the Pythoness Spoke (the Oracle of Delphi)
The Shrine of Mysteries at Eleusis
Roman Corinth
They Stand in the Air (Meteora Monasteries)
In Sight of the Gods (Mount Olympus: Dion and Platamonas)
Thou shalt see me at Philippi (A Macedonian Journey: Philippi, Kavala, Thessalonica, Veria and Kastoria)
Greece's Heart (Delos)
In Honour of Zeus (Olympia)
Hercules' Land (Mycenae, Tiryns, Argos)
The Unsurpassed Healer (Epidaurus)
Reliving the Myth (Sounion)
The Bull's Kingdom (Knossos, Phaistos, Gortyn)
Where the End Began (Edirne/Adrianopolis)
The Walls of Nova Roma (Byzantium or Constantinople or Istanbul)
Basic Istanbul
Fortresses of the Sultans
A Genoese Trade Route (from Galata to Sinop)
The Last Roman Empire (Trebizond)
The Walls of Nicaea
City of Twin Domes (Bursa)
Sing, Muse, Achilles' Wrath (Troy)
Sarcophagus Stone Town (Assos)
Roman Pergamum
Future Sultans' Town (Manisa)
Roman Smyrna (Izmir)
The Capital of Asia (Ephesus)
Where Money was born (Sardis)
Aphrodite's City (Afrodisias)
A Roman Spa (Hierapolis)
A Forgotten Roman Town (Aizani)
They Went to the Theatre (archaeological sites in south-western Turkey)
Towns in the Clouds (Sagalassos, Isparta, Afyonkarahisar and Kutahya)
Roman Ankara
On the Long Road (Seljuk Towns in Turkey)
Towns in the Valleys of the Blue, Red and Green Rivers in Turkey
Coast of the Pirates (Castles between Panfilia and Cilicia)
A City of the Ancient World (Antioch)
On Venus' Island (Ancient Towns on Cyprus)
Caterina's Bequest (Frankish and Venetian monuments in Cyprus)
Disputed Lands (Cilicia and Upper Mesopotamia)
A Mile Long Colonnade (Apamea)
Shrine of Obscure Gods (Baetocece/Hosn Suleiman)
Hama's Chanting Wheels
Byzantine Dead Towns in Syria
Castles of the Crusaders
Basic Damascus
A Palace in the Desert (Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi)
The Breath of God (Qara, Maaloula and Ezra)
Capital of Roman Arabia (Bosra, Philippopolis, Qanawat and Shaqqa)
Bride of the Desert (Palmyra)
Turner and Twain's Holy Land
Ancient Towns in Israel
J. L. Burckhardt's Jordan
Pococke, Burckhardt and Turner's Lebanon
Cosmopolitan Alexandria
The Walls of Babilonia (Cairo)
Central Iran Gems
A Frontier Country (Iranian Azerbaijan and Republic of Azerbaijan)
Legs of the Silk Road (in Central Asia)
Silk Road Terminals (Xian and Beijing)
Angkor in 3 Days
Postcards from Myanmar (Burma)
Postcards from Vietnam
Signs of Ancient Past (rock-art in the Libyan Desert)
Roman Tripolis (Tripoli, Sabratha and Leptis Magna)
Roman Africa (Tunisia)
Some Tunisian Medinas
Roman Algeria
Roman Morocco
Some Moroccan Medinas
The image used as background for this page shows the lantern of S. Ivo alla Sapienza.