All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it.
Page revised in October 2020.
All images © by Roberto Piperno, owner of the domain. Write to romapip@quipo.it.
Page revised in October 2020.
This map of Rome was included in an 1852 French Guide to Rome and it is based on a larger 1841 map by Paul-Marie Letarouilly (*); it shows Rome as it was before the development of railway and the 1870 annexation to the Kingdom of Italy; because it shows Rome in the last years of the Papal government, it is very useful to locate the monuments which house the papal coats of arms listed in the catalogue.
Map of Rome included in an 1852 French Guide to Rome
The map is split into 4 sections:
The map can also be seen in a high resolution image (2300x1850 pixels) which has links to pages of this website showing all the monuments listed in the left section of the map.
(*) Paul-Marie Letarouilly (1795-1855) was a French architect and engraver who published in 1840-1855 Édifices de Rome moderne, an extensive collection of etchings showing palaces, churches and other monuments of Modern Rome from the point of view of an architect.